A Brief Introduction to Tasbih

Prayer of Taseer at Fatimah is one of the two mosques in Kuwait that has a calling system. The mosque is built on a high place and was built by the Quraishah family. The mosque is located near Al-Rafid and has minarets and a qarmat. During Friday prayers, the Quraishah family organizes prayer tasbih of twenty-one congregations.

How to recite Tasbeeh at Fatimah: There are two methods of reciting tasbih in order to join wirelessness with Allah. In order to join wirelessness with Allah, start reciting tasbih facing your villa. In order to recite Salah in the congregation, face your villa. The tasbih must be recited slowly for it to be performed properly. Salah is not performed with one voice but with three voices.

The method of reciting tasbih in congregation begins with the Akbar. The Akbar means worship or prayer. It is usually a call for worship or prayer to Allah. There are different types of bars, the most commonly used are the sitting Akbar and standing Akbar. Reciting tasbih with the sitting Akbar follows the same procedure as the standing one except that you sit down in order to pray.

The tasbih that is recited with the standing Akbar is also followed by prostration. The foremost thing before prostration is due or the right prostration. The right prostration is performed after facing Allah. After performing du'a, the person standing up recites tasbih while raising their hands to pray (taharah). Allah responds to the prayer through the angels.

Second Sajdah: The second sajdah starts with reciting tasbih ten times, followed by prostration. In order to recite tasbih ten times, one must stand with hands on the stomach. After standing, one must repeat the word "Allahu Akbar" thrice. The prayer is completed after a brief pause.

Third Sajdah: The third sajdah begins with prostration. The person standing in prostration then says the first line of the data," Allahumma alikbarika wa thumb" (Allah is Most Gracious and Merciful). " Allahumma" means "oh God", while "thumma" means " Lord". The person then asks for the blessings of Allah. The blessing is then repeated thrice. After that, the person says the second line of the data which is, "hibdahu la sharia".

The person reciting Tasbeeh Beads must raise both hands while saying the first line, "Allahumma alikbarika wa thumb" (Allah is Glorious and Merciful). On the next line, the hands should be placed on the stomach butted forward to avoid touching the thighs. This is done until the prayer is completed. The person must then say the final line of the data which is, "hibdahu alka hafi ask (Allah be pleased with me)". The entire process should be repeated until the prayer is completed.

The person reciting tasbih must do so in a clear voice devoid of spelling or punctuation errors. The procedure is to recite the sale in a way that pleases Allah. In fact, it is considered to be extremely important for a Muslim to recite tasbih while standing because it helps one to concentrate on the words and thus, increases the chance of getting in touch with all the Attributes of Allah. Reciting tasbih in a loud voice is also considered to be highly auspicious as loud voices are supposed to carry the message of praise and encouragement while reciting the qurbans. So, what more can a Muslim expect from a religion other than the best worship that it practices?

There are many ways of reciting tasbihs such as with hands, arms, head, and mouth. Muslims also use prayer beads, gold and silver prayer beads to recite dhikr. Dhikr is recited in a way that is closer to the Original Arabic language. Prayer beads play a very important role in dhikr as they enable the imams to clarify every word in the prayer.

The procedure to recite tasbih does not end with the prayer because the person has to stand or sit straight in place before looking in front of him and reciting the salah. After reciting the salah, the celebrant has to face the Qibla and face towards the East. Towards the East, one should look, and then the person has to say, "God is great, He loves his friends and children and is pleased with them". The ritual of tasbih thus finishes with the recitation of taste which again includes the exchange of prayer beads between the two males and females and after that, the banquet is continued.

People who go for tasbih beads have the option of going for a fixed or adjustable diktat. Fixed diktat is done on certain dates such as the first, fifth and ninth of Dhul-Fitr. For those who want to go for an adjustable diktat, it is done once a year. Those who opt for an adjustable dikhah have to give their names or faces to be entered on a list of those who wish to go for tasbih. The list is sent to the khums (clerical officiant) who sends invitations for the celebration.


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