Every Muslim Should Recite Prayer Beads (Tasbeeh)
Tasbih, Dhikr, and Salah are three Islamic terms that can be interchanged without losing meaning. Tasbih means worship or prayer, salah means Salah, and tasbeh means ritual or action. The word for prayer in Arabic is "Ruj al-Daulma" while the word for worship in Arabic is "Ruj awd al-Ma'zi". These three terms, taken together, mean 'ritual of God'. This article briefly covers the differences between tasbih, salah, and tasbih beads. As in the case of all Islamic terms, tasbih beads mean to praise God. One way to praise God is by reciting the sacred Arabic alphabet. Recitation of any verse of the sacred text is an act of tasbih. Therefore, tasbih in this sense does not only mean reciting the sacred text; it also means reciting the sacred Arabic alphabet. A traditional way of reciting the alphabet is by taking one tasbih stone or by using a stringed instrument like a kameez or earthenware cup. In Islamic rituals and traditions, tasbih means Salah, which is ...